Scientific Library of Petrozavodsk State University

Contact information

The name of the educational institution:
Petrozavodsk State University

Address: 33, Lenin str., Petrozavodsk, 185640, Karelia, Russia
Phone:  8142 775140
Fax:  8142 771021

Organizational structure

*Management * Department of acquisition. Tifitulina Anna. Tel:  8142 742865
* Department of scientific processing of the literature. Gorshkova Galina. Tel:  8142 742865
* Department of the scientific and art literature. Melnikova Alla. Tel: 8142 742865
* Department of the educational literature. Krasilnikova Elena. Tel: 8142 742865
* Department "The General reading hall". Feclicheva Natalia. Tel: 8142 742865
* Department of the medical literature. Varfolomejeva Svetlana. Tel: 8142 742865
* Scientific-Metodological department. Marcova Natalja. Tel: 8142 742865
* Seintific bibliographical a department. Fedorova Natalia. Tel: 8142 742865
* Interlibrary subscription. Veselova Antonina. Tel: 8142 742865
* Stock department. Kolchanova Raisa. Tel: 8142 742865
* Information system of Library. Denisova Elena. Tel: 8142 742865

Library information

* Library Staff. Total: 69, 14 advanced library education, 39 university degree, 7 library colledge, 7 other colledges
* Year Library Founded - 1940
* Previous Names * Library Building - 2036,62 sq. m
* Registered Users: 23050 in 1995, 23206 in 1994
* Circulation: 280246 in 1995, 294160 in 1994
* Population Served: students, teachers, scientists workers, other staff of the University
* Restrictions on use * Number of Book Volumes - 871560 book volumes (1.01.96)
* Periodicals - 188000 printed issues
* Language of Publications - printed materials in 12 languages-3,54% from the whole stock
* Audio-visuals - 5027 microfishes and  microfilms
* Types of Catalogs: alphabetical, systematic, periodicals, subjects, electronic
* Guides and Publication * Computers in Library * Technical Equipment * Automated Catalog - automated catalog was started in 1992
* Interlibrary Loans - yes, 37 partners from 15 towns of Russia 4 partners from Foreign countries
* Foreign exchange - 10 partners in 7 Foreign countries
* Global Informational Systems * Funding Source - Fund of Petrozavodsk State University

Future Plans

Problems and needs

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