Scientific Library of St.Petersburg State University of Means of Communication

Contact information

The name of the educational institution:
St.Petersburg State Transport University

Address: 9 Moskovsky Pr., St.Petersburg, 190031, Russia
Phone: +7-(812)-168-82-52, +7-(812)-168-87-00

Organizational structure

*Department of acquisition. Nina Litvinova. Tel: +7-(812)-168-87-00
*Department of scientific processing of the literature. Natalia Tarakanova. Tel: +7-(812)-168-87-00
*Department of the scientific literature. Elena Bogdanova.Tel: +7-(812)-168-86-11
*Department of the educational literature. Alla Doinicova. Tel: +7-(812)-168-80-54
*A department of the art literature. Svetlana Ageeva. Tel: +7-(812)-168-85-74
*Social and economical literaturel a department. Ljubov Gromova. Tel: +7-(812)-168-82-95
*Department of the technological information. Elena Djatlova. Tel: +7-(812)-310-25-25

Library information

* Library Staff. Total: 70, 39 university degree, 17 technical school
* Year Library Founded - 1809
* Previous Names - Scientific Library of the Leningrad Institute of Railroad Engineers
* Library Building - 2368 sq.m
* Registered Users: 10000 in 1995
* Circulation - 300000 in 1995
* Population Served: students, lecturers, engineers
* Restrictions on use * Number of Book Volumes - more than 1.000.000 units
* Language of Publications - manuscripts and printed materials in Russian, and other Europian languages
* Audio-visuals - microfiche and microfilms
* Type of Catalogs: alphabetic, systematic, periodicals
* Computers in Library * Automated Catalog - automated catalog was started in 1993
* Interlibrary Loans. Yes
* Funding Source - fund of the University

Future Plans

Problems and needs

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