Z39.50 is American National Standard defining a protocol for computer-to-computer information search and retrieval. Z39.50 makes it possible for a user in one system to search and retrieve information from other computer systems over heterogeneous networks.
Our server is accessible 24 hours in a day for each Z39.50-client or via experimental stateful Z39.50 gateway, which makes it possible to access Z39.50-server from each WWW-browser.
Protocol version | 2 |
Address | z3950.ruslan.ru |
TCP port | 210 |
Services | Init, Search, Present, Close |
Database name | NEWS |
Query type | Type-1 (RPN) |
Record syntax | SUTRS |
Attribute set | Bib-1: Author (1003), Title (4), Anywhere (1035) |
These server and gateway are based on CNIDR's public domain software.
webmaster@ruslan.ru |